
LeBron James 達成絕症球迷的心願

LeBron James & Dwyane Wade Make Dying Fan’s Wish Come True After Game

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade transcended basketball and used their celebrity in the most positive light on Thursday night. Thinking it was a longshot, Nicole Peterson posted on LeBron James’ Facebook page on Wednesday night asking the superstar if he could grant her friend, Joey Anderson, a dying wish. Suffering from brain cancer and told he doesn’t have much time left, Anderson, the ultimate Miami Heat fan, just wanted to see a game live. LeBron not only saw the message, but he delivered, and even brought along his BFF, Dwyane Wade, after the loss to the Blazers and took photos and signed autographs for Joey. Very, very awesome.

一位女網友在周三時於 Lebron James 的 Facebook 貼了一則訊息,他的朋友 Anderson 不幸罹患了腦癌,剩下的日子已經不多了,Anderson 是超級熱火粉絲,他最大的願望是可以去現場看球跟偶像見面,LeBron 看到了這則訊息,在賽後便帶了 Wade 去找該位球迷,與該球迷合照並簽名留念,度過了一個溫馨的夜晚。
