
為何每場球都打的如此賣力? LBJ:我的責任

LeBron now at 53 20-pt games in row, 3 shy of DiMaggio’s 56-game streak. LeBron talked about Joe earlier in season What James provides every night conjures memories of when New York Yankees Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio once was asked why he plays so hard.

詹姆斯每晚所呈現的,讓人想起Joe DiMaggio(著名棒球球星,紐約洋基隊名人堂成員)曾經被問及,為何如此賣力打球。

“Because there is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time,’’ DiMaggio responded. “I owe him my best.’’

”因為,總是有些孩子,可能是第一次看我打球“ Joe DiMaggio 如此回應。 “我應該將我最好的一面給予他”。

James has the same credo. That’s why he strives to put on a top-notch performance whether he’s a dead arena at midseason in Charlotte or in the NBA Finals.

詹姆斯擁有著相同的信條。這就是為什麼他不論是賽季當中在夏洛特球館的比賽,或者在 NBA 的最後總決賽,都努力打出頂級的水準。

“I agree to that,’’ James said when asked about what DiMaggio once said. “I say that a lot, too. I never heard that from Joe. But I feel like when I go out there, it’s someone’s first game they’ve ever seen me play. I want them to remember and say, ‘That was a great game where he played this type of way and with a lot of passion.’ And I feel like I have that responsibility.’’

“我贊同那個。”當被問及 Joe DiMaggio 曾經說過的,詹姆斯如此回答。”我也常常說到這個。我從未聽過 Joe 說過這句話,但當我站上球場,我感覺到這是有些人第一次看到我打比賽。我希望他們能夠記住,並且說 ’這是一場偉大的比賽,他的打球方式,以及身上許多的激情‘。而且,我認為這是我的責任。”


Translated by Paraguay from PTT

這也是為什麼我對 Popovich 養生很不以為然的原因,球員健康很重要沒錯,但直接不來現場實在難以苟同,每一隊每個球員都是這樣在操,憑什麼你一休就是三個主將,Tony Parker 年紀很大?身體負擔不了看是要退休還是怎樣,很多人這輩子可能就那一次進場看自己喜歡的球員,這句話一點都不誇張,不要扯什麼板凳球員不是球員嗎這種鬼話,那大家薪資差這麼多差辛酸的喔?球賽本來就是靠打造英雄明星級的人來吸引追隨者,講這種話的人應該要去買 Danny Green 或者是 Diaw 的球衣吧,但有嗎?
