最近比較常接觸到 Linux,因此一個可以連結 ssh 的 tool 是必備的
市面上比較多人用的軟體大致上是這兩種 pietty 以及 putty
putty 可以說是最多人用的,可以選用的項目很多,但這兩套軟體都有一個共通不便的地方
就是他們沒有支援多視窗,也就是說,每要開一個新的 ssh,你就要開一個 putty
相信我,東西處理起來,一口氣開 7-8 個視窗並不奇怪
讓我找到了 xshell
建議連 xftp 一起 download,可以交互搭配使用
這是安裝好的畫面,他會在你的電腦模擬一個 terminal,可以下達一些指令
輸入 help,可以看到在 terminal 可以使用的功能
Internal Commands: new: Creates a new session. open: Opens a session or the session dialog box. edit: Opens the Session Property dialog box for a session. list: Lists information of all available sessions. 'ls' and 'dir' do the same. cd: Changes the current working directory. clear: Clears the screen/address/command history. help: Displays this help. '?' does the same. quit: Quits Local Shell. 'exit' does the same. ssh: Connects to a host using the SSH protocol. telnet: Connects to a host using the TELNET protocol. rlogin: Connects to a host using the RLOGIN protocol. sftp: Connects to a host to transfer files securely. ftp: Connects to a host to transfer files. External Commands: ipconfig: Configures TCP/IP network interfaces. ping: Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. tracert: Prints the route packets take to network host. netstat: Displays current protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. nslookup: Resolves a hostname to IP address. For more information, type 'help command' for each command. ex) help telnet Xshell:\> clear Xshell:\> help Internal Commands: new: Creates a new session. open: Opens a session or the session dialog box. edit: Opens the Session Property dialog box for a session. list: Lists information of all available sessions. 'ls' and 'dir' do the same. cd: Changes the current working directory. clear: Clears the screen/address/command history. help: Displays this help. '?' does the same. quit: Quits Local Shell. 'exit' does the same. ssh: Connects to a host using the SSH protocol. telnet: Connects to a host using the TELNET protocol. rlogin: Connects to a host using the RLOGIN protocol. sftp: Connects to a host to transfer files securely. ftp: Connects to a host to transfer files. External Commands: ipconfig: Configures TCP/IP network interfaces. ping: Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. tracert: Prints the route packets take to network host. netstat: Displays current protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. nslookup: Resolves a hostname to IP address. For more information, type 'help command' for each command. ex) help telnet
在 terminal mode 輸入 new,或者是按下導覽列的 new 按鈕
變可以建立新的帳戶,可以使用的功能有 ssh、telnet、rlogin、sftp、serial
- ssh:用來連結 Linux Server
- telnet:連結 bbs 如 ptt
- sftp:直接透過此模式存取 server 檔案
在 Connection 填入Name 跟 Host 之後,點選 Authentication
可以選擇 Password、Public Key 以及 Keyboard Interactive 模式連結 Server
基本上這樣就可以使用了,也可以針對不同的 case 來設定不同的內容
如語系(點選 Terminal 後選擇下方 Encoding)
以 bbs 為例,預設的字型跟字級大小要瀏覽 ptt 很吃力 於是我點選了 Apperance,將 Font Name 改為細明體,Font Size 改為 14
這樣看 ptt 就很舒服了
讓我們回到 terminal 模式,ls 後 enter,可以列出你所有建立的帳戶
使用 open 後接你的帳戶,如 open ptt,便會連去 ptt
ssh 或是 telnet ptt.cc
External Commands: ipconfig: Configures TCP/IP network interfaces. ping: Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. tracert: Prints the route packets take to network host. netstat: Displays current protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. nslookup: Resolves a hostname to IP address.
像這些在 dos command line 常用的指令也可以在他的 terminal 使用
上述的所有功能都可以在最上方的 toolbar 找到對應的按鈕
再來我們看一下 Options 幾個我覺得比較實用的內容
點選 Options、Advanced,我溝選了 Minimize to system tray
這樣當不使用的時候可以將 xshell 縮到 tray,少佔用了一個 CTRL+TAB 的切換空間,很方便
我另外將 Confirm connection close whe Xshell exitst 以及 Confirm connection close when a session 打勾取消
當你使用 ssh 進去某個帳戶之後,按下快捷鍵 CTRL+ALT+F
便可以叫出 xftp,讓你在視窗介面直接可以使用檔案傳輸的功能,是不是非常方便呢
Shortcut key | Description |
Alt + N | Same as New on the File menu. |
Alt + O | Same as Open on the File menu. |
Alt + C | Same as Close on the File menu. |
Alt + Enter | Changes to Full Screen view. |
Alt + D | Moves the keyboard focus to the Address bar. |
Alt + Right | Same as Next on the Window menu. |
Alt + Left | Same as Previous on the Window menu. |
Ctrl + D | Exit the Xshell on the local prompt. |
Ctrl + Alt + ] | Escape to the local prompt while connecting to a remote computer. |
Ctrl + Alt + T | Same as New Terminal on the Window menu. |
Ctrl + Alt + F | Same as New File Transfer on the Window menu. |
Ctrl + Tab | Switches to the next session within the same Xshell window. |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Switches to the previous session within the same Xshell window. |
Shift + Home | Scroll to Top. |
Shift + End | Scroll to Bottom. |
Shift + PgUp | Scroll Page Up. |
Shift + PgDn | Scroll Page Down. |
Shift + Up Arrow | Scroll Up. |
Shift + Down Arrow | Scroll Down. |